Monday, July 2, 2012

Lets do this!

First of all; I am just an amateur "gym rat", but I'd like to share some of the things I have learned from other trainers, research, and personal experience. And I've often thought how I wanted to write down my thoughts I've had about my training so in a way this is a journal for me.

How The Sweat Was Run was a team name my friends and I came up with for the Wasatch Ragnar Relay for this year, but were on the waiting list all year until it was too late to get a team together and/or already joined other teams. I didn't want such a fun name to go to waste; hence the blog name!

I decided to create a blog after having many people ask me for tips and advice for training. I wish I had time and complete knowledge to train all those that asked me. I would love to make a career out of it, but I have 2 kids that keep me running and many other things in life I love to do that is time consuming...not that a blog isn't time consuming, but it's less so than training people personally and is done out of the comfort of my own home and at whatever time of day I want. :)

I have always had a passion for life. I LOVE going to the gym. I am at the gym almost every day and sometimes twice a day. I love to learn new things especially fitness related which is why I thought I'd share what I've learned so far from trainers, my husband (who is has a Health and Wellness major, went to law school-very smart, always re-evaluating our workouts to be as efficient as possible- is kind of my personal trainer and a gym rat with me), friends, other "gym rats", research, and personal experience.

I thought this would be a neat way to go through this journey with other readers/athletes/gym goers. I am simply an amateur "trainer" but would love to pass on my personal experience and hear from others what they've learned too. This is a blog about everything fitness related because that's what I do. I love the gym, doing races, obstacle races, hiking, climbing, eating healthy, etc. Let's do this!

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