Friday, September 21, 2012

Trying To Gain Muscle Weight

After several months on a fairly strict diet of little or no sugar, little or no saturated fat, and mostly fresh groceries, I've decided to change my diet a bit.

Just like people try to lose weight, there are those of us who see GAINING weight as the same challenge. I've been on both sides so I can say that. I gained 50 pounds with each child I had, but now I'm below the weight I want to be at.

I'm happy with the toned muscle results but I'm trying to gain more MUSCLE WEIGHT and it's pretty tough for me. I'm constantly eating protein. You name it - everything from chicken to deli meat to protein shakes.

But now I'm also starting to allow myself to eat a little more saturated fat and doubling up on the protein shakes. I'll let you know how the results in a few weeks. :)